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Dr Maryam Ogebe’s Story

Justice & Dr Mrs Ogebe


Growing up under an economicaly disadvantaged rural community, life was difficult and education a luxury to Maryam's parents.

The young aspiring Mary knew intuitively that she needed to fight for a bright and better life which could only be achieved via education. The demise of her education-hungry father made this dream literally impossible. That is, until strangers (not even blood relatives) like foreign missionaries and new friends in distant Nigerian towns stepped in to help her widowed mother. Even her well-off uncles had no regrets for not helping out because it was common belief that educating girls was a wasted effort!

By the mercy of God Maryam Dija Madaki weathered the storm to emerge the first female Medical Doctor in the Northern States of Nigeria in 1971.

This experience, rather than leaving a bitter taste and memories in her life, only gave birth to an undying desire to seek for ways to provide assistance to children from humble backgrounds who cannot afford to go to school as a result of lack of parental economic capacity or victims of circumstances.

Interestingly, God blessed her with a loving and caring husband who also had similar passion to help the less privileged not just to go to school but also to find purpose in life. Beyond just their passion to see children go to school, the couple has been a blessing to the community of Christians through discipleship and mentoring relationships.

Unofficially, Dr and Rtd. Justice Ogebe have been administering this scholarship for close to ten (10) years now and still counting. While some were given loans on trust, many had their exam fees paid without conditions attached. Students who were already in school but had difficulties in sustaining themselves in school have been assisted as well. By extension, the couple have partnered with some orphanages and provided the needed financial assistance. This has been going on for many years without documentation.

The Ogebes believe it is now time to give their effort a face, foundation and future to becoming a living legacy when they are out of the scene.

Board of Trustees Profiles

Emmanuel Ogebe


Emmanuel Ogebe is an international human rights lawyer specializing in Africa. He earned the singular distinction of being the youngest law graduate in his home country of Nigeria. Exiled to the US after becoming one of Nigeria’s political detainees during the brutal years of military dictatorship under General Abacha, Mr. Ogebe has played a role in shaping US Congressional and foreign policy in Nigeria’s quest for a stable democracy. In addition to testifying before the New York City council on the historic move to name a street after a slain Nigerian activist, he was first invited to testify on Nigeria before the US Congress in the 90s which he has continued to do till the present. Mr. Ogebe has been a guest speaker at university campuses across the US and regularly provides expertise and insights on Nigerian issues on radio and TV programs around the world, e.g. CNN, Fox, Al Jazeera, BBC and has spoken at the Geneva Summit, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Canadian Parliament etc.

Mr. Ogebe has vast experience in managing, designing and implementing complex international programs and projects in Nigeria. For over two decades, he has worked in an environment reputed for hardship, poor infrastructure, political risk and corruption. His specialization in US-Nigeria affairs has positioned him strategically to relate to key players on both sides of the aisle and on both sides of the Atlantic. He was consulted by the Clinton Administration as well as the Bush Administration on their Presidential visits to Nigeria in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Mr. Ogebe’s experience includes working on behalf of a US Government funding entity to identify and forge co-funding alliances with stakeholders on development projects under the bilateral trade, aid, and development promotion policies.

Mr. Ogebe holds the distinction of being the first Special Legal Consultant on Nigeria out of 100,000 lawyers admitted in the US capital. His consulting firm, the US Nigeria Law Group is located in Washington DC. He also doubles as Special Counsel for the Justice for Jos Project, a pro bono initiative of his firm, which has worked in the last half dozen years to document, litigate and garner international attention to the horrific crimes against humanity in northern Nigeria. He engages with the United Nations, The International Criminal Court, the EU and the US amongst others to advocate on behalf of the persecuted minorities. On November 13 2013, Mr. Ogebe testified before the US Congress’ Africa subcommittee and was credited by the Chairman of being helpful to the US Administration’s policy reversal in designating Nigerian terror group Boko Haram as a Foreign Terrorist Organization that day. Mr. Ogebe had submitted briefs to Secretaries Clinton and Kerry making a case for FTO designation.

His work helping victims included relocating Escaped Chibok schoolgirls who were abducted by Boko Haram in April 2014 to US schools as well as humanitarian aid and assistance to survivors, widows and orphans, refugees & IDPs.

Mr Ogebe is also a recipient of US President Obama’s Bronze Award for his pro bono work providing technical assistance to NGOs in northern Nigeria.

Mr. Ogebe was bestowed the “Hero of the Year” Award by the Darfur Women Action Group on International Human Rights Day in 2016 and the “Diaspora Person of the Year” Award by the Editorial Board of the Idoma Voice Newspaper.

Inspired by Emmanuel Ogebe’s work with the escaped Chibok girls, famous actress and playwright Danai Gurira who wrote the Broadway play Eclipsed about enslaved women in Liberia, dedicated each Broadway performance of her play with a reading of the names of the missing girls. Bono, the famous lead singer of U-2, appeared on stage with the Eclipsed cast to launch the remembrances.

Ori Ogebe-Sheriff MD


Dr. Ori Ogebe Sheriff, is a child and adolescent Consultant psychiatrist. She has passion for working with children and young people as it is her calling in life. She also has a passion for missions. Her hope for FHSF is that it will flourish in helping young people attain a good education that help them reach their God given potential and also that they will develop a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. She is happily married with 3 children.

David Ogenyi Ogebe Esq


David Ogebe is an experienced and accomplished lawyer with almost two decades of active law practice. He is a Partner at the Convergence Law Practice, one of Nigeria's fast rising Law Firms with strong background in Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Corporate Commercial Practice. In addition to his strong background in law, he is passionate about education and desires to change the destiny of many less privileged children, a vision that not only stems from his passion but also a means of keeping his parents legacy of education alive.

Moses Ogenyi PhD


Moses Ogenyi is a psychologist with a doctorate degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He is happily married and blessed with 4 lovely children. He has a passion for the promotion of wholesome family life in the Nigerian society as it has a major impact on the make up of the children and the society at large.

"I strongly believe that the family is the building block of the society. It hurts me to see children suffering mentally, physically, emotionally and financially as a result of orphanhood or the effects of divorce or dysfunctional family structure. As a result I am constantly on the lookout for ways in which I and my family can lend a helping hand to people in less privileged situations.  FHSF is taking very enviable steps in that direction. I can see it becoming a giant benefactor to many needy families. I feel privileged to be part of what FHSF is doing to restore hope in the lives of many Nigerian children."

Mr Joshua Izan Madaki


Mr Joshua Izan Madaki is a Legal Practitioner who was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2012. He started his Career as a Legal Practitioner in Lagos and is currently based in Abuja. He is married with two children. He is passionate about good governance, justice and building a descent society. In view of the failure of state governments to continue the disbursement of educational scholarships that his parents' generations enjoyed, he strongly supports individuals and organizations taking the initiative to help the needy. His vision for FHSF is that it will expand its scope of coverage to provide more opportunities for the underprivileged in the society especially orphans, widows, IDPS and the disabled to have access to education.

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